Uso del Sistema de Medición de la Calidad de la Educación (Simce) en la Ley Sep (Subvención Escolar Preferencial): ¿existe un contrasentido entre los propósitos de calidad y equidad?

Dublin Core


Uso del Sistema de Medición de la Calidad de la Educación (Simce) en la Ley Sep (Subvención Escolar Preferencial): ¿existe un contrasentido entre los propósitos de calidad y equidad?


Analyze the issue of education is particularly relevant because of the impact this has the progress and development of countries. In the case of Chile, to attend to the problems emphasize because of the subvention undifferentiated, in 2008 was promoted the preferential school subvention law (SEP): policy that increase the amount of the subvention for students considerate as priority (vulnerable) with the purpose to get two things; on one side encourage the integration of most students in vulnerable conditions, and on the other side, increase the quality of education looking for improve the SIMCE scores (instrument that determine the quality of education in our country) under this policy, the purpose of this study is to show the contradiction between the SEP law at the moment of considering SIMCE as an instrument to assign achievements. In order to do this, we demonstrate an intense and inverse correlation between the vulnerability index (IVE) and the SIMCE scores, is that, as increasing the number of priority students (IVE) the SIMCE would indicate that the scores would tend to decrease, with this the quality of education is damage, which puts in contradiction the purpose of Sep law.


Francisco Ganga Contreras
Jonathan Fernandez-Figueroa
Cristóbal Reyes-Bielefeld


Ponte Academic Journal

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July 5, 2018
Gestión y Dirección de las Universidades
Francisco Ganga Contreras Jonathan Fernandez-Figueroa Cristóbal Reyes-Bielefeld, “Uso del Sistema de Medición de la Calidad de la Educación (Simce) en la Ley Sep (Subvención Escolar Preferencial): ¿existe un contrasentido entre los propósitos de calidad y equidad?,” Biblioteca Digital | Gobernanza Universitaria, consulta 28 de abril de 2024,